ראשי»חינוך»Talpiot College leads special education
Talpiot College leads special education
The Talpiot College of Education was chosen as the only academic institution in the Tel Aviv District to train integration coordinators and special needs.
In 2002, the Integration Law came into effect, enabling students with special needs to integrate both in regular and small classes in regular schools. As part of the educational and moral worldview, which advocates the right of every student to study within the framework of the community in which he has chosen the Ministry of Education to train coordinators of integration and special needs in all schools. The role of the coordinator is to assist in building a comprehensive world view, alongside providing pedagogical tools for teachers in a heterogeneous classroom, with reference to the various aspects of the classroom: including immigrant students, students at risk, gifted and outstanding students, students with difficulties and disabilities and students entitled to special education budgets.
Students at Talpiot College. Photo College Press
In a tender that was closed this month it was learned that the Ministry of Education chose Talpiot College of Education in Holon as the only academic institution that was chosen to train the coordinators in the Tel Aviv district as part of professional development processes over three years. Dr. Miriam Neumar, head of the academic system, and Dr. Bilha Bashan, head of the department for professional development in which the program will operate, will prepare and accompany the program.
This achievement joins the influx of female students of the Department of Special Education at Talpiot College, headed by Dr. Shlomit Zilbergal, which enables female students in elementary, elementary and early childhood to expand their studies and receive special education training, including both theoretical and practical courses.
The head of the college, Benny Bagon, stated: "Of all the different facets of the college, special education studies are perhaps the most important, since strengthening the weakened links in Israeli society is a primary educational and ethical goal. Winning the Ministry of Education tender is an important recognition of our ability to lead, in terms of academic and professional training, the future generation of special education that will transform Israeli society. "