English is not just a language and English teachers are not just teachers. In today's global and developing world, English is the most vital and important language which all children need to acquire for communication. Therefore, the Ministry of Education is recruiting and training new and professional English teachers who will teach our students in schools throughout Israel.
In recent year, there has been an increasing need for English teachers in the education system. In the past, only a teaching certificate was required in English in order to become an English teacher. Today, after the "New Horizon" reform, every teacher in the system is required to obtain an academic degree and a teaching certificate. The purpose of the reform is to upgrade teaching in schools and to inject new quality teachers into the education system. Therefore, the B.Ed. programs, the retraining programs that convert academics to English teachers and an accelerated program for native English speakers at Talpiot College meet the needs of the Ministry of Education and ensure rapid integration as English teachers in schools.
When we examined the proposed programs between the universities and colleges, we learned about Talpiot College, which offers a wide range of programs and tracks that are especially suited to those who see themselves as English teachers in 21st century schools in the Israeli education system.
The first program is the B. Ed. degree. The program lasts four years and grants a B.Ed. degree and a teaching certificate. The college offers two tracks: the English language track in elementary school, which combines first through sixth grade education and English language training. The program also offers integration with specialization in special education. The students in the special education program receive training in special education schools, special education classes in elementary schools and remedial teaching skills and strategies in teaching English. Another undergraduate program is the secondary school track, which focuses on grades 7 through 10. The students receive teaching training in junior high schools and high schools, with additional English instruction.

The uniqueness of the academic programs is mainly manifested in the third year of studies, during which the students are in the schools twice a week in the "Academic Class" program. The students work closely with a mentor in a group of students in school classrooms, two days a week for a full year. Every mentor accompanies a student throughout the year and helps her get the most out of the program. In addition, the college’s pedagogical advisor accompanies and facilitates learning and training throughout the whole process The students experience planning of lessons, teaching together with the veteran teachers, participating in meetings of the English staff, assisting in the teaching of pupils in a variety of lessons, both in whole classes and in small groups.
Another program offered by the College is the M.Ed. in Teaching English as an International Language. The program is designed for English teachers with teaching experience. The theme of the program was created with the understanding that students should be prepared in schools for a constantly developing global world in which communication takes place in English. Therefore, English teachers play a significant role in preparing graduates of the education system for the requirements of tomorrow's labor market: expanding vocabulary, building a toolbox for dealing with oral and written information, expressing and speaking in the English language to an international audience.
A special training program was opened at the college two years ago in order to address the shortage of English teachers in the education system. The accelerated program is intended for both English-speaking and near English-speaking academics, i.e. people born in Israel with high level proficiency . The program grants students a certificate of English teaching within a year. During the course of studies, in addition to theoretical studies, students experience teaching in elementary and secondary schools. At the end of the process, they receive assistance in finding work in the schools and receive training during the internship year.
Talpiot College accompanies its graduates to allow for a soft landing in the education system in a number of frameworks upon completion of their theoretical studies. These include a first year internship program which supports the new teachers as they begin their journey as teachers. In addition., the new teachers continue studying and supporting each other in a special program in the second year of teaching. Through this support and focus on their specific needs as new teachers, Talpiot College facilitates their success as educators in Israel..